Decorative wire silhouettes
You can turn vessels from the “Vintage Garden” and “Vintage Animals” series into a trendy eye-catcher with homemade wire silhouettes
using winding wire or seam wire. Matching green plants and some driftwood complete the decorative element to perfection.
This way you can create an attractive living environment in a vintage style.
Materials for homemade wire decorations
• Peperomia obtusifolia
• Philodendron bipinnatifidum
• Hedera helix
• Alocasia zebrina
• Pilea peperomioides
• Peperomia obtusifolia ’Variegata’
• „Vintage Garden“ vessel
• „Vintage Animals“ vessel
• Winding wire/seam wire (BUCO)
• Potting soil
• Driftwood
How to do it:
Shape the decorations you want using seam wire or winding wire. Drill a hole in the driftwood and insert
the wire decorations. Put the plants in the matching cachepot and place the wire silhouette among the plants.
Decorative wire silhouettes
You can turn vessels from the “Vintage Garden” and “Vintage Animals” series into a trendy eye-catcher with homemade wire silhouettes using winding wire or seam wire. Matching green plants and some driftwood complete the decorative element to perfection. This way you can create an attractive living environment in a vintage style.
Materials for homemade wire decorations
• Peperomia obtusifolia
• Philodendron bipinnatifidum
• Hedera helix
• Alocasia zebrina
• Pilea peperomioides
• Peperomia obtusifolia ’Variegata’
• „Vintage Garden“ vessel
• „Vintage Animals“ vessel
• Winding wire/seam wire (BUCO)
• Potting soil
• Driftwood
How to do it:
Shape the decorations you want using seam wire or winding wire. Drill a hole in the driftwood and insert the wire decorations. Put the plants in the matching cachepot and place the wire silhouette among the plants.